Soilmec Ltd is a mechanical engineering company belonging to the Trevi Group, a major force in foundation engineering, hydraulic engineering and hydrogeology.
Our Sales and Service facility near Peterborough, supplies all Soilmec Drilling and Foundation Equipment as follows:

Rotary Rigs

CFA Rigs

Mini Piling Rigs

CSP Rigs



All Soilmec machines and equipment are thoroughly tested in jobsite conditions, therefore eliminating any uncertainty as to their operating efficiency and reliability. Production is in compliance with R.I.N.A quality certification ISO 9001-2008 and ISO 14001-2004 standards.
Soilmec Ltd, have been successful in placing in excess of 600 Soilmec machines in the UK to date. With our world class facilities we are also able to supply accessories for machinery, spare parts and used equipment. Our fleet of mobile Service Engineers undertake servicing and repair work, throughout the UK and in our workshops.
Soilmec Limited
Company Registration No : 2179210
Place of Registration : England
Registered Office : 1 Vincent Square, London, SW1P 2PN
Soilmec Ltd is a subsidiary of Soilmec SPA, a company established 1969 in Cesena, Italy to design and manufacture new ground equipment. Soilmec SPA employs 1,300 people worldwide and is part of The Trevi Group.
Soilmec SPA
5819, Via Dismano
47023 Cesena (FC), Italy
+39 0547 319111