Soilmec Ltd pride ourselves on our fast and effective After Sales Service.
Due to our highly trained Engineers with many years experience of the Soilmec product, we have built an excellent, reliable service to our clients. Our specialised on site service, by our team of mobile Service Engineers, is available throughout the UK and Ireland.
Once you have taken delivery of your new equipment, the Soilmec Service Team will be there to commission the unit on site and look after the equipment during the warranty period. Our efficient service continues throughout the life our your Soilmec rig with repairs and service undertaken on site or at our facilities near Peterborough with our in house team of Engineers.
A significant investment in our UK facilities has further enhanced our service with an extensive spare parts store, a large workshop with overhead cranes, a separate fabrication shop, steam clean bay and a substantial yard for testing. We offer the following;





General Maintenance

Machine Configuration Conversions


Being part of the Soilmec Group we have an excellent relationship with our head office and factory, which gives us instant access to a wealth of information to enable a prompt and efficient service.
For After Sales Service enquiries, please get in touch.